Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

short vacation in singapore

Kenapa judulnya short vacation ya karena memang liburannya bener2 sebentar..2hari doank..dan mahalnya minta ampun..

Sebenarnya udah lama seh..cuma baru sempet nulis d blog..

Jadi gini ceritanya..jreeeeeennngg..
Agustus kemarin..tanggal berapa ya...aaakkkk..lupaaaaa..pokoknya setelah lebaran..jadi kebayang kan..pasti mahal bgt flight pricenya..

Waktu itu kena IDR 2.854.000..PP Semarang-Singapore..dan naeknya Air Asia..huufftt..
Kalo ndak nemenin My Darling..ogah deh..dg uang segitu bisa bt tetbang ke Pulau Derawan..

And..the only best thing of this short vacation is i did it with My Darling..

Singapore..ya seperti yg itu..cm belanja..dan mahal..hehehe..yg murah apa ya..kagak ada..

Klo pas belanja di sana memang kesannya murah..paling SGD 3, SGD 5, atauSGD 10..naek taxi aja vm SGD 13 ato SGD 20..ttpi begitu dikursin pake rupiah a.k.a. IDR..jatuhnya mahal jg..

Dan saya kemudian menjafi fakir..ppfftt..

Pernah ke singapore..?share donk..

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

long life education

How is all everybody..?

Lagi pengen bahas..mengenai belajar..
Not about learning mathematic ya..it is not about it..but it is about how to learn about life..

If you asked me where i take all of lesson in my life..i will tell you now..
From my dad.. i learn how to love somebody completely..include to accept all of the weakness he has..also from him I learn how to work hard to reach my dream..
From my mom..i learn how to be loyal to my partner..and also how to love what you do..
From my lil princess..she is still 4 years old..but I learnt a lot from her..i learn how to be brave enough to forgive..and i learn to have unlimited dream..
From my darling bala bala.. hehe
I learn how to be patience and how to compromise and have a deal with situation..

And from this life I learn how to accept that sometimes your plan will crush and it is not going like you want..but there is always GOD who prepares better plan for me..

Maybe it sounds so naive..but i need 27 years to learn about it..it is too late ya.
But at least it is better to be late than never learning..

So..life is a process..the process that you should learn on it..to be mature enough..to be tough enough everytime the weakness come to you..
You need to learn about life because there is no teacher in your school who will teach you.
How to move on after you break up..how to brave enough to reach your dream..and how always to be happy in your life..

I'm not lucky..but I'm blessed..although my life is not perfect..sometimes I cry..i'm sad..but i always try to be positive in difficult situation..

Then if you ask me what I do now..i feel thankfull with what i have now..and i'm still learning from around..while asking myself what the life lesson will bring to me..

So..if you still alive you will always learn on it..
Keep moving guys..we never know what future will bring for us..

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013


Dream..what is dream..?
Kalo ditanya mimpi itu apa..kadang bingung sendiri deh apa seh mimpi itu..?

When I was child..When all of students were asked "what is your dream in the future?"
There were an answer "want to be a doctor".."want to be a teacher".."want to be an engineer"..etc.
But I only could answer.."I want to be a butterfly"..

If you asked me why I answered like that..I don't know the answer too..for me when I was child..butterfly is beautiful..and can fly..can go there..can go here..hehehe
Maybe..I wanted to be a tour guide that time..or maybe driver..or maybe backpacker traveller..because they can go to a lot of place..but then my teacher and my parent were angry with me..they said it is not a good dream..
So I'm afraid to have a dream again since that moment

Then I realize when I grow up..I never have a dream..I only pass my life day by day..like daily activity..from wake up until I close my eyes again..
Sometimes..I'm feeling that I like it something so much..I want it so much..I thought it was dream..but then when I got it..when I reached it..yes for sure I'm happy..but I feel like it is not me..not my way..

What I did during my 27 years old only to make other dreams come true..my parent's dream..

I'm happy for it..although sometimes..I feel..it is not me..not really what I want..but when I see them happy..I'm happy..although sometimes when I reach it..I feel the emptiness in my heart..

Nowadays..I start to create my dream..to reach my dream..
My dream starts when you say "I love you"..my dream start when you say "I'm yours"..my dream starts when you say "we are one team, we have one dream, our dream"..

My dream starts when you teach me to have a dream..when you remind me how to dream..when you ask me what I want..

Now..if people ask me..what is my dream..I can answer it surely..
"It is a simple dream, to be with you is my only dream"

Kamis, 26 September 2013

2 days

Two days in 1 week that you don't need to be worry..
Is there somebody know that in 1 week there are 2 days that you don't need to be worried?
Are you confused guys..? :P

Ok..ok..i will tell you which day i mean..
The first day is the day that already we passed..
The day when we lied
The day when we hurted someone we love
The day when we did something stupid
The day when we didn't have money
That day are gone..we can't take back that day with all money you have now..we can't do anything
So..why we should be worry..?

The second day is the day in the future..
The day when we don't know what will happen
Yes we don't know something that is not happen yet.."is not happen yet"
We don't know until when we will live
We don't know will be rich or not in the future
We don't know we will meet our patner of life or still be single
So why we should be worry..?

Why we should be worried by two days above if we still can fight today..we still can struggle today..we still survive today..we still learn today..
And we still can do our best today..we still can show our love to people we love today..

Rabu, 25 September 2013

Hello versus Good Bye

This posting I dedicate for Michael Daheim..someone who teach me a lot about love..

There is always good bye in every hello..
Yah..pasti ada perpisahan di setiap pertemuan..

We want or not..there is always good bye in every hello..
But let's learn about life from parking man..
The parking man have a lot of car or motorbike that park in the park area..they have responsibility to take care, to manage their car when it is still in their area..but when the owner of the car or the motorbike comes and want to take their car or motorbike, the parking man will give it back wisely.

Take some lesson from the small ilustrate above..
All we have in the world now is only a gift from GOD,
Someone we love
All of things above are gift from GOD, we must take care of it, we must manage it wisely, we must be thankful with what we have and when GOD says that He want to take it back with His way, we must release it wisely..

There will be a moment when GOD want to take what we have so we must say good bye with it..sometimes His way looks so cruel..unfair..but if we learn from parking man ilustrate we should be accept it wisely that there is a moment that we must be separate with all we have..
Because GOD always have the best plan for us behind the loosing moment..
Maybe the good bye moment is making us stronger than before..maybe good bye moment is for finding the better one..Maybe the good bye moment is for us to learn more about life..etc.

I know GOD have a beautiful plan for us because GOD never fail..because GOD made us met each other with a reason..because something happen with a reason..

This moment will make us stronger..Our dream will come true..
This good bye moment is for making us stronger than before.. This good bye moment is for making us realize how deep are our love..This good bye moment is for making us realize that we need each other..This good bye moment is for making me realize that I love you more than anything..This good bye moment is for making me learn how to survive..how to love someone deeply..how to be patience..how to wait..how to have a dream..

Thank you for loving me
Thank you for teaching me a lot about love..

Senin, 23 September 2013


This post is only about reflection what I feel inside.. If some people don't agree with what I wrote..so they can write their post by themself.. :P hehehe I love you..only three words but have million meaning..
Ya ya..sometimes I'm thinking what is the meaning of I love you..it should be spoken or it is enough only show it..
LOVE is a feeling that can't be described..only can feel it..and this feeling will make your life not only more beautiful but also more complicated.. In love, you will always want to make the people you love happy, you want that everything you do can make them happy.. But, we know that sometimes we don't have power enough to make all the things run well as we want..
And will the love stays foverer...?
This is the question.. Will the love stay foverer although the way will be hard in the future..?
Will the love stay forever although there is million kilometre spaces..?
Will the love stay forever although people that you love leave you..?
 We know the answer..it is difficult to find a love that will stay forever..never change whatever will be..only the mother's love and the GOD's love that will stay forever..
BUT for me..
As long as I know..and as long as I feel..
GOD will show you the sign..why it never succes with other..because your real love will come in the right time..in the right place and with the right person..

And now I feel it..when I fall in love..it will be forever..and for me I LOVE YOU always foverer more..

Jumat, 20 September 2013


What do you think about the tittle of my post above..? Miss can be missing something.. But can be the calling for young lady.. Of course the post will be about missing something..missing someone..or missing anything.. What do you really miss when you are apart from someone you love..? The person..? The moment..? The memories..? And what you do to heal the missing..? When you really love someone..when you really miss someone..you will miss all the things..not only the part.. You will miss the person..you will miss the moment you had..you will miss the moment you will have together.. Same like when you really love someone..because love is not only about kissing, hugging, cuddling, meeting..but also about trusting, sharing, believing, supporting each other.. And missing or loving like above will be hurting..when its fail..so.. Before you have feeling like above make sure that your partner have some feeling like you..because two persons who really love and miss each other will do anything to make their partner feel happy not getting hurt.. The problem is when your partner doesn't have feeling like you have..(remember the lyric of one song "too much love can kill you") The first thing that you must do is accept it..face it..and wake up.. Your life will be more beautiful with love but your life will be easier without love.. So wake up guys..\(^_^)/ Catch your dreams..Continue your life.. But unfortunately..My dream is with you..and my life is you.. T_T

Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Bikin Paspor itu Mudah

mumpung lg d kantor imigrasi neh makany mo nulis ttg bikin paspor.. ini bukan bermaksud menghilangkan rejeki para calo2 paspir cm mo berbagi aja sebagai WNI yg punya rasa nasionalisme yg tinggi demi memberantas yg namany korupsi..merdeka...!!!!! klo mo ngantri dan sabar bikin paspor itu mudah dan murah kok..ini cm habis 255rb doank utk paspor 48 hal.. coba bayangin klo bikin di tour agent ato calo minim paling murah 500rb..2kali lipat kan.. ndak susah kok..klo mo upload dokumen online bisa lebih cepet tpi klo kesuliran online ya ngantri kumpulin berkas deh di kantor imigrasi.. jadi gini neh.. 1.pertama2 siapin deh berkasny yg asli ma fotocopy di kertas kuarto 80gr ya..berkas yg perlu disipin adalah..ktp, kk, akte lahir, ijazah, klo udah kerja ya surat rekomendasi dari perusahaan ya.. 2.kedua..klo mo ulpload dl sbg pra permohonan ya klik deh www.imigrasi.go.id..klo ndak bisa connect internet a.k.a agak gaptek..dateng langsung aja k kantor imigrasi..minta form k petugas..isi deh..ngantri..terus dpt tanda bukti yg menjelaskan kapan harus balik ke kantor imigrasi lg. 3.ketiga..sesuai dg tanggal yg tertera d tanda bukti penerimaan berkas dateng lg deh k imigrasi bt foto ma interview..eh sekalian tanda tangan jg..dan so pasti bayar donk..klo ndak bayar yo ndak mungkin dsuruh poto..hehe 4.udah itu tunggu deh 3-4 hari buat ambil paspornya.. 5.jieeeeennggg jieeennggg..jadi deh paspornya.. mudah kan prosesny..cm kebiasaan bangsa indonesia aja yg mentalny ndak mo antri dan maunya instan.. udah ya segini dl postinganny.. mo pooto2 dl..hehe..mumpung d kantor imigrasi..

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Birthday means something..

This date 27 years ago..God gave me chance to start learning a lot of things.. from sad..terrible..hard..until thing that we call happiness.. This year means my chance to live in the world decrease 1time..and i'm still progressing to be a better better person..still being myself..still giving my best..and and and want to say thank you to all people who still love me and stand by my side although have known my a lot of weakness.. i know it is not enough only say thank you here..hehe.. Happy birthday to me..

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

shock therapy

Morning guys....
This morning i'm really surprised..and then a lot of questions show up in my mind and heart..
ceritanya gini neh..berhubung mobil jemputan bt k kantor ngadat a.k.a sopirnya ndak jemout..so mau ndak mau kan little butterfly naek trans semarang neh (ini nama bus ya..bukan stasiun TV)..
nah kan rame bgt tuh klo pagi...yg mulai dri anak sekolah..ibu2 arisan..hehe..maksudnya ibu2 yg mo berangkat k kantor..ato pasar..hehe..
waktu itu ada bapak2 tua..naek...eh anak2 muda yg pake seragam...m mbak2 arisan yg pada dpt tempat duduk ndak mo pd ngasih tempat duduk coba...
ini kenapa ya dg bangsa indonesia skrg ini?
kayaknya kita udah kehilangan jati diri bangsa indonesia..yg ada cm individualistik yg makin mengakar..
kadang little butterfly jg mikir seh...i'm the perfect prrson to talk about this because honestly..ya secara maunya nikah ma orang bule..ntar ditanyain deh nasionalismenya mana..hehe..
tapi kan setidaknya klo waktu itu dpt tempat duduk pasti deh little butterfly kasihin k bapak2 itu..(note: waktu itu yg nulis ini jg ndak dpt tempat duduk ya)..

kayaknya memang harus digalakkan pendidikan karakter yg sebenar2nya deh buat genetasi muda d Indonesia..
biar pd ngerti gt tradisi bangsa Indonesia yg mendunia...hehe

udah ah nulis ngalor ngidulnya..mo nyampe kantor neh..kerja ma orang jerman dl ya...tzzzxxxtttt..penjajahan ini namanya..ya namanya cri duit..hehehe

Senin, 22 April 2013

Come Back

Selamat Pagi...
Guten Morgen..
Good Morning..

I'm come back..
Lama bener ya ndak nulis di sini..hadoooooohhh..lagi sibuk banget neh..
Mo jualan sarung tangan aja deh..secara sekarang lagi kerja di perusahaan Jerman yg bikin sarung tangan..kemarin habis pameran neh di INABIKE 2013 di JIEXPO Kemayoran..

Keren kan aku..hahahaha..narsis bener neh anak.. :P
It just a preface..besok mo nulis contentnya ya...

Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

LDR a.k.a Long Distance Relationship

I'm a little bit sensitive if talk about distance actually..hehehe..but i wanna talk about long distance relationship..because it is interesting topic now.. ;-)

Some people say LDR is same with single..i don't know why they said like that..maybe because if you are in LDR you only have status but can't have your partner everyday..you will watch movie alone..you will spend your weekend with your friends not with your partner..you will only hug and kiss your partner by texting or calling on the phone..

But for Little Butterfly..maybe it is old fashioned..distance isn't a big problem for me..because relationship isn't only about kissing, hugging, meeting, cuddling, going out but it is more about affection, caring, loving, understanding, trusting, supporting each other..so distance can be used to measure how the relationship are meant for each other..need two brave people to be in LDR..two people who have love, trust, commitment, loyalty, honesty and faith for each other..
There are skype..whatsApp..BBM..email..Viber..YM..facebook..twitter..for making communication easier..you still can care and give attention..right..?..But you must give more understanding when your partner is tired or busy or sad or happy or upset or confuse..so you must know when you must give spirit, hug, affection, or when you must cheer your partner up..

It isn't easy..but it is worth enough to try.. ;-)
Based on Little Butterfly's experience..I won't say it is difficult..but i will say it isn't easy..you must be positive thinking..you must be trust your partner totally..because you can't see them everyday..you can't see directly whether they say..is the truth or they lie to you..I were in LDR before..and unfortunately all ended with loyalty issues..hehehe

So..there are some tips for LDR
1. Keep the communication alive..although you are busy..although you are tired..make time for your partner..only for say good morning or good night..make them realize that they are on your mind always..
2. Keep the romanticism alive..send your partner sexy or naughty message for teasing them..hehehe
3. See them regularly..meet them regularly..if can't face to face or meet them in real..use skype..although it can't change the moment when the real meeting but it can help a lot ya.. ;-)
4. Make an agreement..when the LDR will be a real relationship..when you can be together..because you must know where the relationship will go..
5. Don't think too much..avoid negative thinking of your partner..trust them totally..make yourself busy with your activity..be confident..be happy..make yourself happy first before you make other happy..

Then..I dare you..who brave enough to be in LDR..???
Don't give up with distance ya.. \(^_^)/

Film Romantis - Best Romantic Movie Ever

Hai..hai..Good Morning everybody..
Berhubung lagi seneng nonton neh..makanya mo kasih beberapa film yang recommended banget neh..tapi recommended bagi Little Butterfly ya..dilarang protes..biarin kalo subjektif..hehehe

1. Habibie Dan Ainun
Terlepas dari penokohan yang kurang tepat..sosok Pak Habibienya neh kurang pas..tapi cerita film ini sumpah bikin nangis..ternyata cinta sejati sampai maut memisahkan itu ada ya..
Film ini berdasarkan kisah nyata dari Bapak BJ. Habibie dan Ibu Ainun..yang mengisahkan kesetian dua insan manusia sampai ajal menjemput salah satunya..

2. Beautiful Mind
Film ini berkisah tentang kisah nyata John Nash ilmuwan jenius yang mengidap schizophrenia dimana dia tidak bisa membedakan antara halusinasi dan kenyataan..Nash merupakan pria yang jenius dan menikah dengan wanita cantik bernama Alicia Larde..Film ini menceritakan kesetiaan istri Nash..yang tidak pernah meninggalkan  Nash walau sakit yang diderita Nash makin parah dan mengharuskan Larde membawanya ke rumah sakit jiwa untuk diobati..
Film ini mengajarkan kita untuk mencintai pasangan kita bagaimanapun keadaannya..

3. The Vow
Film ini berkisah tentang kisah nyata antara Leo dan Paige yang saling mencintai dan kemudian menikah..belum lama menikah, mereka mengalami kecelakaan maut..nyawa keduanya berhasil diselamatkan tetapi Paige mengalami koma..Leo dengan sabar menunggui Paige hingga sadar kembali..tetapi Paige mengalami hilang ingatan..Paige tidak ingat siapa Leo..dan mulai berubah watak..tetapi Leo tetap berusaha untuk membuat ingatan Paige kembali selama 18 tahun..
Gilaaaaaa...film ini so sweet banget..tanpa cinta dan kasih yang tulus kayaknya ndak mungkin deh..

4. A Moment to Remember
Film dari Korea ini berkisah tentang Su Jin dan Chul Soo yang bertemu tanpa sengaja di sebuah mini market dan kemudian jatuh cinta dan menikah..tetapi kemudian Su Jin diketahui menderita Alzheimer dan akan membuatnya kehilangan seluruh memori di otaknnya..karena begitu cintanya Su Jin pada Chul Soo..maka dia memilih pergi dan tinggal di panti rehabilitasi..tetapi Chul Soo terus mencari istrinya tersebut dan akhirnya menemui istrinya tersebut...tetapi sayangnya Su Jin sudah tidak ingat kepada Chul Soo..Chul Soo-pun kemudian membawa Su Jin kembali ke tempat2 dan peristiwa2 dimana mereka dulu pertama kali bertemu..
Sediiiiihhh banget filmya..tapi endingnya ndak ketauan..apakah Su Jin mati ato tetap hidup..ato gimana..namanya juga film..hehehe

Trus pertanyaannya..pasangan Little Butterfly kemana yak...??????

This is The English Version

Hai .. hai .. Good Morning everybody ..
Because my hobby at this moment is watching movie .. so i will give some movie recommendation..maybe you can watch it in Valentine's Day..hehe..it is a little bit subjective ya..based on my Little Butterfly's point of view..hehehe

1. Habibie and Ainun
Although the lack of proper characterizations of Mr. Habibienya.. not fit figure .. but this movie makes crying .. there is true love until death tear them apart ..
The film is based on the true story of Mr. BJ. Habibie and Mrs. Ainun's loyalty .. (you can read in my another post about this movie)

2. Beautiful Mind
The plot revolves around the true story of John Nash genius scientist who developed schizophrenia in which he can not distinguish between hallucination and reality .. Nash is a genius man and married to a beautiful woman named Alicia Larde .. The film tells about the Nash's wife loyalty .. that never leaves Nash despite Nash's illness is getting worse and is pushed Larde to took him to a mental hospital for treatment ..
This movie teaches us to love our partner under any circumstances ..

3. The Vow
This film tells the real story between Leo and Paige are in love and then get married .. not long after married, they had a deadly accident .. they were saved but Paige got in a coma .. Leo is waiting Paige patiently until she conscious .. but Paige memory is loss .. she does not remember who is Leo .. and began to change the character .. but Leo still trying to make Paige's memories back for 18 years ..
... this movie really so sweet .. without love it is impossible ..

4. A Moment to Remember
The film from Korea tells about Su Jin and Chul Soo who meet accidentally in a mini market and then fall in love and get married .. but then Su Jin is known have Alzheimer disease and would make it lose all memory in her brain .. because she really love Chul Soo and doesn't wanna make him sad.. so she choose to go and live in rehabilitation place .. but Chul Soo keep looking for her and finally meet his wife... but unfortunately Su Jin can't remember who is Chul Soo .. Soo Chul then brought Su Jin back to the place and the moment when they met for the first time ..
Sad ending movie..Su Jin can remember the first time they met..and..jreeeng jreeengg..the movie is end..hehehe

Then the question is where is Little Butterfly's partner of life..????
Someday..in the right moment..in the right place..with the right person yaaaa guys..^_^

Udah dulu ya..Little Butterfly mo pulang kantor dulu ya sapa tau ketemu jodoh di jalan..hihihi

Valentine Day

Mmmmmm..mumpung lagi hari-H-nya neh..mo bahas Valentine day aaahhhhh...mariiii merapat para pemuda pemudi dimanapun Anda berada..hehehe

Sebenarnya..Little Butterfly sendiri tuh ndak tau asal usul perayaan Valentine Day..nah setelah hari ini ndak ada kerjaan dan browsang browsing sana sini..nemu deh..sejarah perayaan Valentine Day..

Sejarahwan menyebutkan bahwa titik awal Valentine day berasal dari era Yunani Kuno, dimana menurut kalender yunani kuno, pertengahan bulan Februari adalah hari penghormatan terhadap pernikahan dewa mereka, Dewa Zeus dengan Hera. Itulah mengapa pada pertengahan Februari selalu dilakukan pesta pora memeriahkan hari kasih sayang para dewa mereka. 

Sejarah terus bergulir, sampai pada masa masa keemasan agama Katolik di Eropa, saat Paus Gelasius I, pada tahun 496 menetapkan tanggal 14 Februari sebagai hari untuk mengenang jasa-jasa santo Valentinus.

Untuk memperkuat legenda Santo Valentinus ini, tulang belulang dari makam Santo Hyppolytus yang berlokasi di Tibertinus dekat Roma, disebutkan sebagai kerangka jenazah St. Valentinus. Kemudian kerangka itu dimasukkan dalam peti terbuat dari emas dan ditempatkan di gereja Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church di Dublin, Irlandia oleh Paus Gregorius XVI pada tahun 1836. Hingga sekarang, peti jenasah terbuat dari emas yang berisikan kerangka itu setiap tanggal 14 Februari selalu banyak di ziarahi oleh pemujanya, kemudian diadakan misa khusus untuk memberkati para muda-mudi yang tengah mabuk asmara.

Legenda Santo Valentinus yang mengusung perayaan hari Valentine Day dihapus dari kalender gerejawi pada tahun 1969 dalam rangka menghapuskan Santo-santo gadungan yang tidak dikenal asal-usulnya.

Namun kata "Valentine Day" sendiri baru tersebutkan secara tertulis pada abad pertengahan (sekitar abad 14) lewat karya sastra Geoffrey Chaucer pada abad ke-14 yang berjudul Parlement of Foules (Percakapan Burung-Burung), berikut ini kutipannya :
For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day
When every foul cometh there to choose his mate

Pada era itu, setiap tanggal 14, pasangan-pasangan kekasih saling menukarkan catatan atau surat-surat cinta, dan menyebut pasangannya sebagai "My Valentine".

Pada era modern, budaya dan legenda hari Valentine Day ini semakin menyebar seiring dengan berbagai penjajahan yang dilakukan oleh Inggris dan Amerika ke seluruh penjuru bumi. Ditambah dengan promosi besar-besaran di berbagai media seperti Televisi, majalah, koran, internet dan buku-buku, membuat budaya Valentine Day yang notebonenya berasal dari legenda ini menjadi mendunia, yang begitu di puja dan dinanti para kawula muda..

Nah di atas merupakan sejarah awal Valentine Day..yg Little Butterfly ambil dari googling..http://www.poztmo.com/2012/01/valentine-day.html..

Terlepas dari sejarah awal mula perayaan Valentine Day di atas..menurut Little Butterfly..cinta kasih itu umum..kita bisa memberikan cinta kasih kita kepada siapapun dan apapun..tidak harus melulu kepada pasangan..dan perayaan cinta kasih itu tidak harus tanggal 14 Februari kok..bisa tiap hari..tiap saat..ya walaupun sah2 aja seh kalo mo merayakan sesuatu dengan pasangan  ato mo romantis2an pada tanggal 14 Februari..hanya saja yang belum punya pasangan ndak usah sedih and galau ya..kan bisa neh sayang2an ma keluarga..ma temen2..ma hewan peliharaan..ato bikin aja "it's me time"..saatnya sayang2an ma diri sendiri..

Terus yang udah punya pasangan a.k.a pacar ya jangan kebablasan ya romantis2annya..(ya..ndak usah disebutin deh..udah sama2 dewasa kan..?)..lah jangan2 yang baca blog ini ada yang masih di bawah umur ya..hadooooohhh...maaf deh maaf..ndak ada maksud apa2 cuma mo berbagi aja ma seluruh pembaca blog ini...ini udah termasuk perayaan Valentine buat Little Butterfly loh..berbagi cinta kasih kepada seluruh pembaca..hehe..

Happy Valentine Day ya..don't need to celebrate it only for saying Happy Valentine Day..Indahnya berbagi dan menghargai..\(^_^)/

This is in English Version

Morningggggg .. \ (^ _ ^) /
Mmmmmm .. today is Valentine Day .. so wanna talk about Valentine day

Actually .. Little Butterfly don't know about the history of the celebration of Valentine Day .. well after all day browsing..hehe..i got about the history of Valentine's Day celebration ..

Historians say that the starting point for Valentine's day comes from the Ancient Greek era, which according to ancient Greek calendar, mid-February is a day of tribute to marriage their god, the god Zeus with Hera. That's why in mid-February has always done debauchery Valentines Day enliven their gods.

History rolled on, until the time of the golden age of Catholicism in Europe, when Pope Gelasius I in 496 year set February 14 as the day to commemorate the saint Valentinus services.

To reinforce the legend of St. Valentine, the bones of the tomb of Saint Hyppolytus located in Tibertinus near Rome, is mentioned as a skeleton corpse St. Valentinus. Then the skeleton was put in a coffin made of gold and placed in the church Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland by Pope Gregory XVI in 1836. Until now, coffins made of gold that contains the skeleton every year on February 14 always is visited by many devotees, then held a special mass to bless the young people who are drunk romance.

The legend of Saint Valentine that brought Valentine's Day celebration is removed from the ecclesiastical calendar in 1969 in order to eliminate imitation saints who appeared that moment.

But the word "Valentine's Day" had just written in the Middle Ages (around 14th century) by Geoffrey Chaucer literature on the 14th century titled Parlement of Foules (Conversations The Birds), the following quotation:

For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day
When every foul Cometh there to choose his mate

In that era, every 14, pairs of lovers exchanging mutual notes or love letters, and called his partner as "My Valentine".

In the modern era, culture and legends of Valentine's Day is spreading along with a variety of colonization by British and Americans across the earth. Coupled with a massive campaign in various media such as television, magazines, newspapers, the internet and books, making Valentine's Day culture that came from legend become a global culture, and is awaited by the young people ..

The history of Valentine's Day celebration is taken from http://www.poztmo.com/2012/01/valentine-day.html ..

For Little Butterfly without look into the history of the Valentine's Day celebration.. love is universal .. we can generally give our love to anyone and anything .. not only for our partner .. and the celebration of love does not have to celebrate in February 14 .. can be every day .. can be every time .. but for couple who wanna celebrate in February 14 is great.. 
But for people who don't have partner yet..don't be sad ya..you can celebrate it with your family..your friends..your pet..or the best thing ever is celebrate it with yourself..make "it's me time"..so you can love yourself first..before you love other people.. ;-)

Happy Valentine's Day ya .. do not need to celebrate it only for saying Happy Valentine's Day .. The beauty of sharing and respect .. \ (^ _ ^) /

Penelitian Kuantitatif VS Penelitian Kualitatif

agak berat ya judulnya..sekali2 ndak papa kan..biar keliatan keren gitu neh blog..hehehe

Sebenarnya udah banyak kok buku2 di luaran sana yang ngebahas mengenai dua jenis penelitian tersebut di atas..tapi begitu Little Butterfly kasih survey neh ke mahasiswa2 seantero kampus..malah pada bengong..malah pada tanya..ni beberapa pertanyaan yang balik ditanyain mahasiswa2 ke Little Butterfly pas survey..so..Little Butterfly mesti kasih penjelasan dulu ke mereka sebelum survey malah kayak kuliah umum gitu deh..hadeeeehhh...*nutup muka pake handuk..
1. Emang bedanya ya penelitian kuantitatif ma kualitatif..?(ya jelas beda donk..namanya aja udah beda gitu..kemaren2 pas kuliah pade kemane..?)
2. Trus bedanya apa dong penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif..?(tuh beda di tulisannya..mulai tampak mereka pada ketiduran pas kuliah neh..)
3. Bagus mana seh penelitian kuantitatif ma kualitatif..?(cantikan gue..*random pas nulis..pede..pede..)
4. Cepetan kelar mana penelitian kuantitatif apa kualitatif..?(ini neh yang bikin agak2 miris juga..kok nanyanya gini banget ya..berasa pada ndak mo penelitian deh..addoooohhh..mo dibawa kemana kalo mahasiswa tanyanya gini semua..*ngumpet dalem lemari)

So..buat ngejawab semua pertanyaan tersebut di atas..Little Butterfly berusaha merangkum tulisan2 mengenai dua jenis penelitian tersebut di atas. Let's go beibeh..kita mulai ya..
Penelitian kuantitatif dan penelitian kualitatif jelas beda donk..kalo sama ya ndak mungkin dinamain beda (jawaban singkat, padat dan mengena..terpampang nyata..hehehehe)..menurut buku yang Little Butterfly baca..ndak perlu nyebutin karangan siapa ya..ntar jadi karya ilmiah neh tulisan..ntar aja kalo mo ikut lomba karya ilmiah baru dimasukin ke daftar pustaka..*peace Pak Pengarang Buku..hehehe
Penelitian kuantitatif adalah penelitian yang menggunakan metode berdasarkan filsafat positivisme, menggunakan populasi atau sampel tertentu, pengumpulan datanya menggunakan instrumen penelitian, analisis datanya bersifat kuantitatif/ statistik, dengan tujuan penelitian untuk menguji hipotesis yang telah ditetapkan..(kalo pada nanya apa itu filsafat positivisme..perlu pada ikut mata kuliah dasar2 filsafat dulu deh kayaknya..hehehe..ato googling aja..kalo dijelasin di sini..bisa tambah panjang neh tulisan..tau2 ntar Little Butterfly ketiduran depan laptop..*masalah buat loe..)
Jadi penelitian kuantitatif ini memandang realitas/ gejala/ fenomena yang diteliti itu dapat diklasifikasikan, relatif tetap, konkrit, teramati, terukur dan hubungan gejala bersifat sebab-akibat dan bersifat deduktif. (nah loh bingung kan..!!)..ni gambaran nyatanya..penelitian kuantitatif ini tujuan sebenarnya adalah menjawab hipotesis yang sudah dibuat melalui uji hipotesis itu sendiri dengan pengumpulan data di lapangan..jadi sebelum penelitian dimulai..peneliti harus melihat gejala atau fenomena yang akan diteliti kemudian membuat hipotesis mengenai gejala atau fenomena tersebut kemudian hipotesis itu diuji dalam penelitiannya menggunakan instrumen yang bersifat statistik..misalnya neh menggunakan angket, kuesioner..pada sampel tertentu..yang kemudian hasil dari penelitian tersebut digeneralisasikan pada populasi dimana sampel itu diambil..
Penelitiannya misalnya begini...seorang peneliti melihat adanya persoalan prestasi siswa..lalu peneliti tersebut berupaya untuk meneliti faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar siswa..setelah mengamati dan membaca sumber teori kemudian peneliti tersebut membuat hipotesis bahwa ada pengaruh antara kualifikasi akademik guru dengan prestasi belajar siswa sekaligus sebagai judul penelitiannya yaitu "Pengaruh Kualifikasi Akademik Guru dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa"..lalu dari kedua variabel tersebut (kualifikasi guru dan prestasi belajar) dicari teori2nya yang kemudian dijabarkan dalam indikator2 dan butir2 pertanyaan pada instrumen penelitian yang disebar ke sample yang telah diambil..misalnya diambil populasi seluruh SMP Negeri se-Kabupaten dan diambil sampel beberapa guru dan siswa dari beberapa SMP Negeri tersebut..lalu hasil dari instrumen tersebut dianalisis menggunakan statistik misal dg SPSS untuk menemukan apakah Ho diterima ato ditolak..(ntar buka buku statistik ya untuk lebih jelasnya..)..kemudian hasil penelitian digeneralisasikan deh.. ;-)
Sedangan penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang naturalistik  dan berdasarkan pada filsafat postpositivisme..penelitian ini memandang gejala atau fenomena sebagai sesuatu yang utuh atau holistik, kompleks, dinamis, penuh makna, dan bersifat interaktif (reciprocal) dan induktif..instrumen penelitiannya ya peneliti sendiri..oleh karena itu..untuk penelitian kualitatif, peneliti harus membekali diri dengan teori dan wawasan yang luas sehingga nanti hasil penelitiannya tidak subjektif..penelitian ini berdasarkan fakta2 yang ditemukan di lapangan yang kemudian dikonstruksikan menjadi hipotesis atau teori..jadi dalam penelitian kualitatif..peneliti melakukan penelitian terlebih dahulu baru memunculkan teori baru atau hipotesis..jadi dalam penelitian ini..peneliti melihat gejala/ fenomena yang akan diteliti..kemudian membekali diri dengan teori dan wawasan yang luas kemudian melakukan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, untuk mendapatkan data yang kemudian disimpulkan untuk menemukan teori baru nantinya..yang terlebih dahulu harus diuji melalui triangulasi..atau uji keabsahan data..(untuk teknik triangulasi..baca buku metode penelitian kualitatif ya untuk lebih jelasnya..hehehe)..
Penelitian kualitatif misalnya...peneliti melihat gejala bahwa dalam lagu bahasa Inggris terdapat poin2 yang dapat dijadikan pendidikan untuk siswa..jadi peneliti membuat penelitian berjudul "Etika dan Estika pada Lirik Lagu Bahasa Inggris dalam Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris"..nah dalam penelitian ini..peneliti harus mengumpulkan teori2 mengenai etika, estetika dan metode pembelajaran sebanyak2nya dan kemudian menentukan fokus penelitiannya yaitu lirik lagu Bahasa Inggris apa saja yang akan diteliti..kemudian dilakukan studi pustaka..dan observasi..dan wawancara pada guru Bahasa Inggris misalnya..untuk menemukan hasil penelitian apakah sudah sesuai dengan teori2 yang terdahulu..yang selanjutnya peneliti dapat membangun teori baru..bahwa lagu Bahasa Inggris dapat digunakan dalam metode pembelajaran karena sudah sesuai dengan teori etika dan estetika..

Nah..penjelasan dan contoh yang panjang dan lebar tersebut di atas..merupakan jawaban dari perbedaan antara penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif..
Lalu kalo ditanya..bagusan mana penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif..dan cepetan mana kelarnya...nah inilah yang seharusnya dihapuskan pada mindset mahasiswa2 sekarang ini..tidak ada yang lebih bagus atau lebih jelek dari kedua penelitian tersebut di atas..tidak ada yang lebih cepat atau lebih lama dari kedua penelitian tersebut di atas..
Nah loh..monggo dijawab sendiri..apakah sudah berbobot penelitian Anda..?apakah penelitian Anda asli buatan Anda sendiri..?atau hanya sekedar plagiat dan copy paste..?
Penelitian kuantitatif..bagus karena data yang dimunculkan akurat..lebih objektif dengan memunculkan statistik yang tidak terbantahkan keakuratannya..tapi kurang mendalam karena hasil penelitian hanya berdasarkan statistik dan generalisasi dari sampel yang diambil..
Penelitian kualitatif..bagus karena hasil penelitian yang mendalam..berdasarkan teori2 yang mendalam dan observasi alamiah sehingga dapat memunculkan teori baru yang dapat diimplementasikan nantinya..tetapi data yang diambil kadang masih bersifat subjektif..dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk penelitian cenderung lebih lama..
Oleh karena itu..alangkah baiknya jika kedua penelitian ini digabung..dan menghasilkan penelitian riset yang luar biasa..jadi peneliti ketika menemukan fenomena atau gejala..kemudian terjun untuk melalukan penelitian terlebih dahulu..dengan teori2 yang luas..kemudian menyimpulkan teori baru yang kemudian diuji dengan instrumen statistik..yang menghasilkan data yang akurat..(langsung deh lulus cumlaude jadi doktor..)hehehe..
Ini yang seharusnya diterapkan oleh universitas2 dan institusi2 pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia..sehingga lulusannya menjadi lulusan yang memiliki inovasi2 di bidangnya..(yah Little Butterfly seh cuma bisa nulis doang seh..secara bukan pemegang kebijakan pendidikan di Indonesia..)

NB: contoh penelitian di atas hanya karangan Little Butterfly saja..jangan dianggap serius ya.. ;-)
Semangat jadi mahasiswa yang benar2 menguasai ilmunya ya Guys.. \(^_^)/

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Flight Promo for Going to Europe

Who wanna go to Europe..???
Of course i wanna go to Europe ya..this is the link that have promo for this winter by KLM ya..
it's so cheap..but unfortunately there isn't flight that i look for.. :-(
You can go to this link below for searching the flight ya..
Happy searching..
Hope you find the flight that you want.. ;-)
Don't forget to check the maximum booking and the time for flight..


Pengeeeeennnn ke Europe...pengen ke Europe..KLM bikin promo Jakarta-Munich dooooonnnkkkk... \(^_^)/

Surat Kecil untuk Papa dan Mama

Pa..Ma..i don't know what i have to say..but it's all that i wanna say to you..maybe i can't say it directly..
I'm so sorry..really sorry for all the things i've done..i know i didn't make you proud of me yet..i know i didn't make you happy yet..i know i'm only the trouble maker in this family..always do whatever i want..sometimes didn't hear what you said..didn't care about you..but you always love me with all my weakness..
and without you say it..i know that you love more than my other siblings..and sorry for all the things that hurt you..all the things that you always forgive me..so sorry..
Pa..i always pray that you will get well soon..i always pray that i still have time to make you proud of me..to make you happy with all achievements i get..but i always pray also the best for you..looking you struggle with your condition is hurting me so much..
Pa..i know you don't wanna disturb me with all of your sickness..with all sickness you feel..i know you wanna me be success with my career and my life..i know the most thing that you want from me is watching me in my master graduation day..i promise you Pa..i will do my best to reach it..soon Pa..soon..and i know you always pray for my happiness..in every middle night you wake up for praying..i always hear your whisper for my happiness..you always pray someday you will see me stand with someone by my side with my real happiness smile..
I only can pray that GOD will give me more time to do my best for you..please Pa..be strong for a while..and i will be strong enough too..i know Pa..without you said it this morning..that you love me so much..i know since i was child that you love me so much..all the things you've done for me..are so meant for me..you made me be like this Pa..
Ma..i'm sorry for everything i ever said..for everything i ever did to you..sorry for our argument..and sorry for the terrible things i've done before..i know Ma..that your love for me never disappear although a lot of bad things i did..i know your hugs always makes me calm when i need it the most..i know only in your warm hugs i will back when i wanna cry a lot..Ma..i know that it's hurt you..the sickness that you feel..but you still take care of us..you hide your sickness from me..always give me motivation to pass the day..always help me to pass the hardest day of my life..
Pa..Ma..i know i'm blessed when i have you..i only can pray to the GOD..that HE will give me strength to do my best for you..for making your dream come true..for making you happy..for making you proud of me..i promise Pa, Ma...
Pa..Ma..please get well soon..please be strong for a while..please wait for me to make your wish comes true..please give me chance to show it to you..I LOVE YOU PA..I LOVE YOU MA..more than anything..
Pa..Ma..looking your old pictures made me so sad..remember the moment when you still can go for travelling by yourself..remember everything you said to me..made me sad..T_T
Pa..i remember you said to me..that you can't give me a lot of money..you can't give me richness..you only can give me education..you only can teach me..how to be brave woman..how to be tough woman..how to be independent woman..i will be Pa..i will be as you dream of..i will be Pa..
Ma..i always remember how warm your hug when i cried a lot..i remember that time you said to me that you wanna see me to always have a dream and try hard to catch it..i will Ma..i will..
I can't imagine my life without both of you..but i always pray the best for both of you..but i'm trying my best Pa, Ma..

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Visa Schenegen

Gara2 pengen ke Jerman..jadi browsing syarat2 bikin visa neh..
(because wanna go to Germany..i've browsed how to make a visa to go there)
Susaaaahhhh Jendraaaaalll... :-(

Coba deh buka ini..


Must go to embassy by myself..must have invitation from Germany..must make it at least 15 days before departure..T_T
Terus harus gimana ya..???

Jadi belum bisa ke Jerman deh dalam waktu dekat neh..(can't go to Germany yet in the moment..)
Who wanna invite me to go to Germany..??

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Tips Tidur Nyenyak - Tips for Sleep Well

Pagiiiiiiii... \(^_^)/
Siapa yang udah bangun..?
Ato yang belum tidur..?

Mo bahas masalah tidur neh..tapi tidur lagi ndak punya masalah ma Little Butterfly..masak mo bikin masalah dulu neh..mmmm..

Dulu pas jaman2 jadul..jaman kita masih kecil pasti susah deh disuruh tidur..iya kan..?ayo ngaku..tapi begitu kita gede2 neh..macam jaman sekarang malah kangen ma yang namanya tidur nyenyak..iya kan..?kangenan ma tidur nyenyak kan daripada mantan..?hehe..

Ni ada beberapa tips biar bisa tidur cepat a.k.a ndak begadang dan nyenyak..
1. Diusahain kalo mo tidur tuh kita mesti capek dulu..jadi tidurnya bisa cepet banget..habis rebahan langsung tidur..so sebelum tidur..angkat2 karung beras dl..naik turun tangga 50kali..lari mutarin lapangan belakang rumah 50 kali...dijamin deh bakal capek dan cepet tidur..kesimpulannya beraktifitaslah di siang hari..supaya tidurmu nyenyak di malam hari..kalo seharian cuma glesotan di kasur ya mana mungkin bisa tidur cepet dan nyenyak di malam hari.
2. Sebelum tidur jangan makan2an yang berat ya..misalnya neh..kalo mo tidur jangan makan besi..makan kayu glondong..makan ati apalagi..jangan deh..ntar malah ndak bisa tidur..jadi usahakan makan malam itu 3 jam sebelum tidur..jadi perut kalian punya waktu untuk mencerna makanan dan bisa ikut beristirahat saat kalian tidur.
3. Usahakan tempat tidur dan suasana kamar dibuat senyaman mungkin..misalnya kalo lebih nyaman tidur dengan kucing ya berpelukanlah dengan kucing tetangga..kalo lebih nyaman tidur dengan udara yang segar ndak pake kipas angin ato AC..ya tidurlah di tengah lapangan..jadi kalo mo tidur ruangan dibikin remang2 lah..tempat tidur dibersihkan, ditata yang rapi..kalo bisa..kalo bisa ya..kita tidur dengan lampu yang dimatikan atau lampu yang redup supaya tubuh dapat menghasilkan zat melatonin dengan maksimal..
4. Sebelum tidur jauhkan gadget kalian...penting..dan wajib neh..tapi melihat realita saat ini kayaknya sulit deh jauh2 dari gadget..tapi ini penting loh untuk tidur yang berkualitas..coba bayangin kalo pas kalian sedang tidur tiba2 hape kalian berbunyi..dan ternyata ketika kalian terbangun dan membuka hape..ehhh sms dari operator..coba bayangin..!!!hehe..klo mang ndak mo jauh2 dari gadget kalian..ya Little Butterfly maklum deh gimana kalian kalo ndak mo jauh dari yang disayang..hehe..setidaknya silent gadget kalian ya.. ;-)
So..manfaatkanlah gadget kalian dengan bijak..kalo saatnya tidur ucapkan "see you later" pada gadget kalian ya.. ;-)

Itulah beberapa tips yang bisa Little Butterfly share sama kalian..soalnya saat ini Little Butterfly lagi mengalami yang namanya "kangen bobok nyenyak"..hehe..maklum lagi sibuk..*sapa yang nanya..
Semangat..\(^_^)/..Semangat Tidur Nyenyak yaaa.....

In English version

Pagiiiiiiii ... \ (^ _ ^) /
Who have woke up ..?
Or who did not sleep yet ..?

Wanna discuss about sleep problems this time..what problem is that..?how to sleep well at night

When we were young..in childhood time.. it's difficult to ask us to go to bed .. is not it ..? But now..sometimes we miss to sleep well at night..is not it..?Missing sleep well more than missing your ex..right..?hehe

There are some tips for sleep quickly a.k.a not staying up late at night and sleep well at night..check it out..
1. Doing activity during the day..so you will feel tired at night and can sleep earlier..
2. Don't eat big food or junk food when you will sleep..at least you must have dinner 3 hours before you go to sleep..so your stomach can take rest too when you are sleeping
3. Keep the bed room and atmosphere as comfortable as possible .. and try to sleep in the dark..if can't make the light in the bed room minimum..so the body can produce melatonin maximum..this very important for our body..
4. Keep your gadgets far away from you when you sleep..at least make it silent ya or only vibrate..don't allow your gadgets disturb your sleep..
So ..  guys use the gadgets wisely .. if it's time to sleep say "see you later" to your gadgets ya .. ;-)

Those are some tips that Little Butterfly can share..sounds I miss sleep well at night..ya..ya..really need it this moment..
Semangat..\(^_^)/..Semangat for Sleep Well ya..

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013


I know this song from My Personal Guard..
Nice song..but then I confused with the translation..
this is in Germany

Und Wenn Ein Lied

und wenn ein lied meine lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du liebe empfängst.
durch die nacht und das dichteste geäst
damit du keine ängste mehr kennst
sag ein kleines stückchen wahrheit
sieh wie die wüste lebt
schaff ein kleines bisschen klarheit
und schau wie sich der schleier hebt
eine wüste aus beton und asphalt
doch sie lebt und öffnet einen spalt
der dir neues zeigt
zeigt das altes weicht
auch wenn dein schmerz bis an
den himmel reicht
und wenn ein lied, meine lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du liebe empfängst
durch die nacht und das dichteste geäst
damit du keine ängste mehr kennst
dieses lied ist nur für dich
schön, wenn es dir gefällt
denn es kam so über mich
wie die nacht über die welt
schlanke faust der dunkelheit
bin ich zum ersten schlag bereit
ich bin der erste der dich befreit
und einer der letzten der um dich weint
in unserer sanduhr fällt das letzte korn
ich hab gewonnen und hab ebenso verlorn
jedoch missen möcht ich nichts
alles bleibt unser gedanklicher besitz
und eine bleibende erinnerung
zwischen tag und nacht legt sich die dämmerung

Then this is in first English translation
And when a song

And when a song leaves my lips
It's only to convey love to you
Through the night and the thickest branchwood
So that you know no fears
Tell a little piece of truth
Look how the desert lives
Create a little bit of serenity
And look how the veil lifts
A desert made of cement and asphalt
But it lives and opens a gap
Which shows you new things
Shows that the old things will vanish
Even if your pain reaches
Up to the sky
And when a song leaves my lips
It's only to convey you love
Through the night and the thickest branchwood
So that you know no fears
This song is only for you
Good that you like it
Because it stuck me
Like the night coming over the world
Slim fist of darkness
I'm ready for the first punch
I am the first who frees you
And one the last crying for you
The last grain is falling in our hourglass
I have won and likewise lost
But I don't want to do without anything of it
Everything remains our mental property
And a lasting memory
Between day and night the twilight edges in

This is the second English translation
And If A Song

And if my lips sing a sad song tonight
It’s only so that you find the light
Through this night, as the darkness disappears
No longer will you know any fears
Feel the stillness all around you
See how the desert lives
Hear the sound beneath the silence
Of the peaceful calm that finally comes
In this barren land of concrete and stone
Comes a peace that grief cannot deny
As the hours go by
You’ll no longer cry
Even as your pain spans to the sky
And if my lips sing a sad song tonight
It’s only so that you find the light
Through this night, as the darkness disappears
No longer will you know any fears
It’s a song I sing for you alone
Heard / sung only if you’re calmed / soothed
For these words choke off my voice
Like the night engulfs the world
Brutal, lonely parting sorrow
I am prepared for your first blow
I am the first of your beloved you leave behind / that you’ve freed
And one of the last who will mourn your life / your memory
In our hourglass the last grain falls
With you I’ve won although I lose it all
And there’s nothing that I’m left to miss
All we possess remains with us in memories
The last reminder of you frozen in time
As twilight separates your world from mine

Too different right..?
Can somebody help me which is the good translation..?
but anyway..i like this song..i made it as my ringtone..hehe

Habibie dan Ainun

Mumpung lagi in neh film..mo bahas ni film dikit deh..kemarin habis nonton ma emak2 ni film..jadi pengen mengulas..cieee..bahasanya mengulas..hehe

Film ini diangkat dari kisah nyata Bapak BJ. Habibie dan istrinya Ibu Ainun..yang notabenenya adalah nama besar di Indonesia..siapa seh yang tidak mengenal Bapak Habibie..

Memang Litte Butterfly belum baca buku yang mendasari diangkatnya kisah ini ke layar lebar..kalo udah baca pasti nangis sesengukan deh..nonton filmnya aja pe nangis2 terus..entah aq yang terlalu sensitif ato lagi bawaan mellow kali ya..

Kalo dilihat dari cerita..jelas..cerita yang sangat menyentuh..banyak pelajaran- pelajaran hidup yang bisa diambil dari kisah Habibie dan Ainun..bagaimana Habibie berjuang mempertahankan ideologinya..bagaimana Habibie berjuang pantang menyerah untuk membuktikan janjinya pada istrinya..bagaimana Ibu Ainun begitu memperhatikan suaminya dan terus mendukung suaminya..bagaimana Ibu Ainun mengorbankan kepentingan pribadinya demi terus mendampingi suaminya..bagaimana dua orang insan manusia bisa saling mencintai satu sama lain sampai maut memisahkan..bagaimana dua insan saling menyadari bahwa satu sama lain tercipta untuk saling melengkapi walau cobaan datang bertubi- tubi..dari masalah finansial yang semula tidak punya menjadi berlebih dan godaan- godaan lain..tetapi dikesampingkan karena cinta yang kuat..dan satu hal yang benar2 wajib dijadikan renungan adalah bagaimana keinginan Habibie untuk kembali ke Indonesia dan berbuat sesuatu untuk Indonesia..
Hanya LUAR BIASA yang dapat terucap untuk kisah Bapak Habibie dan Bu Ainun..harusnya ini bisa jadi cerita yang dapat diceritakan ke anak- anak kita daripada cerita dongeng- dongeng yang sudah ada..karena cinta dan usaha yang dilakukan Pak Habibie dan Bu Ainun adalah nyata..
Dan pertanyaannya yang seharusnya muncul di benak kita sebagai manusia adalah mampukah kita menjadi Pak Habibie untuk Ibu Ainun kita..atau mampukah kita menjadi Ibu Ainun untuk Pak Habibie kita..???
dimana masing2 mau menyadari dengan tulus untuk berkorban kepentingannya sendiri demi kepentingan bersama untuk melengkapi satu sama lain dan menyadari bahwa masing2 tercipta satu sama lain sampai maut memisahkan tanpa ada pihak lain yang berhak masuk dalam mahligai rumah tangga tersebut..
(pengen nangis kan klo inget cerita Pak Habibie ma Bu Ainun..sumpah deh..menyentuh banget..)

Kalo dilihat dari penokohannya seh..kurang tepat menurut Little Butterfly..bukan karena kurang ganteng ya yg jadi Pak Habibie..atau kurang fasih Bahasa Jermannya..tetapi kurang sesuai..Reza Rahardian sebagai pemeran Bapak Habibie terlalu tinggi perawakannya..tetapi so far untuk chemistry dengan Bunga Citra Lestari dapet banget deh..

Setting tempatnya juga oke banget..apalagi yang pas jadul2 tuh..lucu..bikin pengen ke Jerman juga jadinya..jadi neh..during the movie I only can wish someday I can go to Germany and back to Indonesia like Mr. Habibie..because I love Indonesia..

Nah..jadi ketika kita nonton film..ambillah beberapa pelajaran2 yang luar biasa dalam sebuah film..
Satu hal yang perlu kita renungkan adalah setelah kita sukses apalagi sukses di luar negeri masih adakah keinginan untuk kembali ke tanah air dan berbuat sesuatu untuk Indonesia..\(^_^)/
Ya..kalau yang ndak bisa keluar negeri cobalah renungkan..apa seh yang udah kita lakukan untuk Indonesia..mmm..jangan Indonesia dulu deh..coba deh renungkan apa yang udah kita lakuin buat orang tua kita..apa yang udah kita lakuin buat orang2 yang sayang ma kita..termasuk pasangan kita..apakah kita sudah bisa menjadi seperti Pak Habibie dan Bu Ainun...that's the question..

In English version..
Because the movie is booming now .. so i wanna discuss the movie a little bit .. i've watched this movie with my mom..

This film is the adaptation of the true story of Mr. BJ. Habibie and his wife Mrs. Ainun.. who don't know Mr. Habibie..He was a president after Mr.Soeharto..And he is famous with his intelligence..

Unfortunately..i didn't read yet his book that is dedicated for his wife..i'm sure i will cry during i read that book because only watched the movie..i cried during the movie..i don't know i'm too sensitive or i'm in mellow mood at that time..

Looking from the story .. obviously .. a very touching story .. a lot of life lessons can be learned from the story .. how Habibie struggles to defend their ideology .. how Habibie  struggles to prove his promises to his wife .. how Ainun gives big attention to him and continue to support him .. how Ainun sacrifices their personal interests for accompanying him .. how two human beings can love each other until death tear them  apart .. how two people realize that they are created for each other  .. how they survive from financial problems with tough love .. and the most important thing to think is how Habibie's desire to return to Indonesia and do something for Indonesia ..
I only can say EXTRAORDINARY .. this should be a story that can be told to our children than the story of fairy tales that already exist .. because  Mr. Habibie and Mrs. Ainun's love and effort were real ..
And the question that should come to our mind is Can we be Habibie for our Ainun .. or Can we be Ainun for our Habibie ..??
(I want to cry if  remember the story of Habibie and Ainun .. really touching ..)

If look from character.. Habibie's actor isn't really fit .. it's not because he isn't handsome  ..or can't speak Germany language fluently ya..He is handsome and he is very good in German language .. but .. Reza Rahardian is too tall for Habibie's character .. but so far for having chemistry with Bunga Citra Lestari as Ainun..they are perfect ..

For setting of place is also okay  .. especially when the movie shows the old time when Habibie and Ainun were still young..cool.. funny .. And the setting of place in Germany really good..showing many interesting place in there .. so during the movie I can only wish someday I can go to Germany and back to Indonesia like Mr. Habibie with strong desire to do something for Indonesia.. Because I Love Indonesia ..

Well .. when we go to the movies .. take some extraordinary lesson in a movie .. don't only see the handsome actor or pretty actress ya.. :-P
One thing we need to consider is that we become success in abroad, is there any desire to back to Indonesia and do something for Indonesia .. \ (^ _ ^) /
If we can't go to abroad..and only can be success in here..we must ask to ourself what we can do for Indonesia..oke..for the first time don't ask about what we can do for Indonesia..but ask ourself..what we can do for our parents..what we can do for people who really love us..include our partner..so when you are success now..be wise please..don't hurt anybody else..be useful human being..do something to make others happy..so we can feel our real happiness..