Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

short vacation in singapore

Kenapa judulnya short vacation ya karena memang liburannya bener2 sebentar..2hari doank..dan mahalnya minta ampun..

Sebenarnya udah lama seh..cuma baru sempet nulis d blog..

Jadi gini ceritanya..jreeeeeennngg..
Agustus kemarin..tanggal berapa ya...aaakkkk..lupaaaaa..pokoknya setelah lebaran..jadi kebayang kan..pasti mahal bgt flight pricenya..

Waktu itu kena IDR 2.854.000..PP Semarang-Singapore..dan naeknya Air Asia..huufftt..
Kalo ndak nemenin My Darling..ogah deh..dg uang segitu bisa bt tetbang ke Pulau Derawan..

And..the only best thing of this short vacation is i did it with My Darling..

Singapore..ya seperti yg itu..cm belanja..dan mahal..hehehe..yg murah apa ya..kagak ada..

Klo pas belanja di sana memang kesannya murah..paling SGD 3, SGD 5, atauSGD 10..naek taxi aja vm SGD 13 ato SGD 20..ttpi begitu dikursin pake rupiah a.k.a. IDR..jatuhnya mahal jg..

Dan saya kemudian menjafi fakir..ppfftt..

Pernah ke singapore..?share donk..

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

long life education

How is all everybody..?

Lagi pengen bahas..mengenai belajar..
Not about learning mathematic ya..it is not about it..but it is about how to learn about life..

If you asked me where i take all of lesson in my life..i will tell you now..
From my dad.. i learn how to love somebody completely..include to accept all of the weakness he has..also from him I learn how to work hard to reach my dream..
From my mom..i learn how to be loyal to my partner..and also how to love what you do..
From my lil princess..she is still 4 years old..but I learnt a lot from her..i learn how to be brave enough to forgive..and i learn to have unlimited dream..
From my darling bala bala.. hehe
I learn how to be patience and how to compromise and have a deal with situation..

And from this life I learn how to accept that sometimes your plan will crush and it is not going like you want..but there is always GOD who prepares better plan for me..

Maybe it sounds so naive..but i need 27 years to learn about it..it is too late ya.
But at least it is better to be late than never learning..

So..life is a process..the process that you should learn on it..to be mature enough..to be tough enough everytime the weakness come to you..
You need to learn about life because there is no teacher in your school who will teach you.
How to move on after you break up..how to brave enough to reach your dream..and how always to be happy in your life..

I'm not lucky..but I'm blessed..although my life is not perfect..sometimes I cry..i'm sad..but i always try to be positive in difficult situation..

Then if you ask me what I do now..i feel thankfull with what i have now..and i'm still learning from around..while asking myself what the life lesson will bring to me..

So..if you still alive you will always learn on it..
Keep moving guys..we never know what future will bring for us..