Who wanna go to Europe..???
Of course i wanna go to Europe ya..this is the link that have promo for this winter by KLM ya..
it's so cheap..but unfortunately there isn't flight that i look for.. :-(
You can go to this link below for searching the flight ya..
Happy searching..
Hope you find the flight that you want.. ;-)
Don't forget to check the maximum booking and the time for flight..
Pengeeeeennnn ke Europe...pengen ke Europe..KLM bikin promo Jakarta-Munich dooooonnnkkkk... \(^_^)/
Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013
Surat Kecil untuk Papa dan Mama
Pa..Ma..i don't know what i have to say..but it's all that i wanna say to you..maybe i can't say it directly..
I'm so sorry..really sorry for all the things i've done..i know i didn't make you proud of me yet..i know i didn't make you happy yet..i know i'm only the trouble maker in this family..always do whatever i want..sometimes didn't hear what you said..didn't care about you..but you always love me with all my weakness..
and without you say it..i know that you love more than my other siblings..and sorry for all the things that hurt you..all the things that you always forgive me..so sorry..
Pa..i always pray that you will get well soon..i always pray that i still have time to make you proud of me..to make you happy with all achievements i get..but i always pray also the best for you..looking you struggle with your condition is hurting me so much..
Pa..i know you don't wanna disturb me with all of your sickness..with all sickness you feel..i know you wanna me be success with my career and my life..i know the most thing that you want from me is watching me in my master graduation day..i promise you Pa..i will do my best to reach it..soon Pa..soon..and i know you always pray for my happiness..in every middle night you wake up for praying..i always hear your whisper for my happiness..you always pray someday you will see me stand with someone by my side with my real happiness smile..
I only can pray that GOD will give me more time to do my best for you..please Pa..be strong for a while..and i will be strong enough too..i know Pa..without you said it this morning..that you love me so much..i know since i was child that you love me so much..all the things you've done for me..are so meant for me..you made me be like this Pa..
Ma..i'm sorry for everything i ever said..for everything i ever did to you..sorry for our argument..and sorry for the terrible things i've done before..i know Ma..that your love for me never disappear although a lot of bad things i did..i know your hugs always makes me calm when i need it the most..i know only in your warm hugs i will back when i wanna cry a lot..Ma..i know that it's hurt you..the sickness that you feel..but you still take care of us..you hide your sickness from me..always give me motivation to pass the day..always help me to pass the hardest day of my life..
Pa..Ma..i know i'm blessed when i have you..i only can pray to the GOD..that HE will give me strength to do my best for you..for making your dream come true..for making you happy..for making you proud of me..i promise Pa, Ma...
Pa..Ma..please get well soon..please be strong for a while..please wait for me to make your wish comes true..please give me chance to show it to you..I LOVE YOU PA..I LOVE YOU MA..more than anything..
Pa..Ma..looking your old pictures made me so sad..remember the moment when you still can go for travelling by yourself..remember everything you said to me..made me sad..T_T
Pa..i remember you said to me..that you can't give me a lot of money..you can't give me richness..you only can give me education..you only can teach me..how to be brave woman..how to be tough woman..how to be independent woman..i will be Pa..i will be as you dream of..i will be Pa..
Ma..i always remember how warm your hug when i cried a lot..i remember that time you said to me that you wanna see me to always have a dream and try hard to catch it..i will Ma..i will..
I can't imagine my life without both of you..but i always pray the best for both of you..but i'm trying my best Pa, Ma..
I'm so sorry..really sorry for all the things i've done..i know i didn't make you proud of me yet..i know i didn't make you happy yet..i know i'm only the trouble maker in this family..always do whatever i want..sometimes didn't hear what you said..didn't care about you..but you always love me with all my weakness..
and without you say it..i know that you love more than my other siblings..and sorry for all the things that hurt you..all the things that you always forgive me..so sorry..
Pa..i always pray that you will get well soon..i always pray that i still have time to make you proud of me..to make you happy with all achievements i get..but i always pray also the best for you..looking you struggle with your condition is hurting me so much..
Pa..i know you don't wanna disturb me with all of your sickness..with all sickness you feel..i know you wanna me be success with my career and my life..i know the most thing that you want from me is watching me in my master graduation day..i promise you Pa..i will do my best to reach it..soon Pa..soon..and i know you always pray for my happiness..in every middle night you wake up for praying..i always hear your whisper for my happiness..you always pray someday you will see me stand with someone by my side with my real happiness smile..
I only can pray that GOD will give me more time to do my best for you..please Pa..be strong for a while..and i will be strong enough too..i know Pa..without you said it this morning..that you love me so much..i know since i was child that you love me so much..all the things you've done for me..are so meant for me..you made me be like this Pa..
Ma..i'm sorry for everything i ever said..for everything i ever did to you..sorry for our argument..and sorry for the terrible things i've done before..i know Ma..that your love for me never disappear although a lot of bad things i did..i know your hugs always makes me calm when i need it the most..i know only in your warm hugs i will back when i wanna cry a lot..Ma..i know that it's hurt you..the sickness that you feel..but you still take care of us..you hide your sickness from me..always give me motivation to pass the day..always help me to pass the hardest day of my life..
Pa..Ma..i know i'm blessed when i have you..i only can pray to the GOD..that HE will give me strength to do my best for you..for making your dream come true..for making you happy..for making you proud of me..i promise Pa, Ma...
Pa..Ma..please get well soon..please be strong for a while..please wait for me to make your wish comes true..please give me chance to show it to you..I LOVE YOU PA..I LOVE YOU MA..more than anything..
Pa..Ma..looking your old pictures made me so sad..remember the moment when you still can go for travelling by yourself..remember everything you said to me..made me sad..T_T
Pa..i remember you said to me..that you can't give me a lot of money..you can't give me richness..you only can give me education..you only can teach me..how to be brave woman..how to be tough woman..how to be independent woman..i will be Pa..i will be as you dream of..i will be Pa..
Ma..i always remember how warm your hug when i cried a lot..i remember that time you said to me that you wanna see me to always have a dream and try hard to catch it..i will Ma..i will..
I can't imagine my life without both of you..but i always pray the best for both of you..but i'm trying my best Pa, Ma..
Rabu, 16 Januari 2013
Visa Schenegen
Gara2 pengen ke Jerman..jadi browsing syarat2 bikin visa neh..
(because wanna go to Germany..i've browsed how to make a visa to go there)
Susaaaahhhh Jendraaaaalll... :-(
Coba deh buka ini..
Must go to embassy by myself..must have invitation from Germany..must make it at least 15 days before departure..T_T
Terus harus gimana ya..???
Jadi belum bisa ke Jerman deh dalam waktu dekat neh..(can't go to Germany yet in the moment..)
Who wanna invite me to go to Germany..??
Gara2 pengen ke Jerman..jadi browsing syarat2 bikin visa neh..
(because wanna go to Germany..i've browsed how to make a visa to go there)
Susaaaahhhh Jendraaaaalll... :-(
Coba deh buka ini..
Must go to embassy by myself..must have invitation from Germany..must make it at least 15 days before departure..T_T
Terus harus gimana ya..???
Jadi belum bisa ke Jerman deh dalam waktu dekat neh..(can't go to Germany yet in the moment..)
Who wanna invite me to go to Germany..??
Minggu, 06 Januari 2013
Tips Tidur Nyenyak - Tips for Sleep Well
Pagiiiiiiii... \(^_^)/
Siapa yang udah bangun..?
Ato yang belum tidur..?
Mo bahas masalah tidur neh..tapi tidur lagi ndak punya masalah ma Little Butterfly..masak mo bikin masalah dulu neh..mmmm..
Dulu pas jaman2 jadul..jaman kita masih kecil pasti susah deh disuruh tidur..iya kan..?ayo ngaku..tapi begitu kita gede2 neh..macam jaman sekarang malah kangen ma yang namanya tidur nyenyak..iya kan..?kangenan ma tidur nyenyak kan daripada mantan..?hehe..
Ni ada beberapa tips biar bisa tidur cepat a.k.a ndak begadang dan nyenyak..
1. Diusahain kalo mo tidur tuh kita mesti capek dulu..jadi tidurnya bisa cepet banget..habis rebahan langsung tidur..so sebelum tidur..angkat2 karung beras dl..naik turun tangga 50kali..lari mutarin lapangan belakang rumah 50 kali...dijamin deh bakal capek dan cepet tidur..kesimpulannya beraktifitaslah di siang hari..supaya tidurmu nyenyak di malam hari..kalo seharian cuma glesotan di kasur ya mana mungkin bisa tidur cepet dan nyenyak di malam hari.
2. Sebelum tidur jangan makan2an yang berat ya..misalnya neh..kalo mo tidur jangan makan besi..makan kayu glondong..makan ati apalagi..jangan deh..ntar malah ndak bisa tidur..jadi usahakan makan malam itu 3 jam sebelum tidur..jadi perut kalian punya waktu untuk mencerna makanan dan bisa ikut beristirahat saat kalian tidur.
3. Usahakan tempat tidur dan suasana kamar dibuat senyaman mungkin..misalnya kalo lebih nyaman tidur dengan kucing ya berpelukanlah dengan kucing tetangga..kalo lebih nyaman tidur dengan udara yang segar ndak pake kipas angin ato AC..ya tidurlah di tengah lapangan..jadi kalo mo tidur ruangan dibikin remang2 lah..tempat tidur dibersihkan, ditata yang rapi..kalo bisa..kalo bisa ya..kita tidur dengan lampu yang dimatikan atau lampu yang redup supaya tubuh dapat menghasilkan zat melatonin dengan maksimal..
4. Sebelum tidur jauhkan gadget kalian...penting..dan wajib neh..tapi melihat realita saat ini kayaknya sulit deh jauh2 dari gadget..tapi ini penting loh untuk tidur yang berkualitas..coba bayangin kalo pas kalian sedang tidur tiba2 hape kalian berbunyi..dan ternyata ketika kalian terbangun dan membuka hape..ehhh sms dari operator..coba bayangin..!!!hehe..klo mang ndak mo jauh2 dari gadget kalian..ya Little Butterfly maklum deh gimana kalian kalo ndak mo jauh dari yang disayang..hehe..setidaknya silent gadget kalian ya.. ;-)
So..manfaatkanlah gadget kalian dengan bijak..kalo saatnya tidur ucapkan "see you later" pada gadget kalian ya.. ;-)
Itulah beberapa tips yang bisa Little Butterfly share sama kalian..soalnya saat ini Little Butterfly lagi mengalami yang namanya "kangen bobok nyenyak"..hehe..maklum lagi sibuk..*sapa yang nanya..
Semangat..\(^_^)/..Semangat Tidur Nyenyak yaaa.....
In English version
Pagiiiiiiii ... \ (^ _ ^) /
Who have woke up ..?
Or who did not sleep yet ..?
Wanna discuss about sleep problems this time..what problem is that..?how to sleep well at night
When we were young..in childhood time.. it's difficult to ask us to go to bed .. is not it ..? But now..sometimes we miss to sleep well at night..is not it..?Missing sleep well more than missing your ex..right..?hehe
There are some tips for sleep quickly a.k.a not staying up late at night and sleep well at night..check it out..
1. Doing activity during the day..so you will feel tired at night and can sleep earlier..
2. Don't eat big food or junk food when you will sleep..at least you must have dinner 3 hours before you go to sleep..so your stomach can take rest too when you are sleeping
3. Keep the bed room and atmosphere as comfortable as possible .. and try to sleep in the dark..if can't make the light in the bed room minimum..so the body can produce melatonin maximum..this very important for our body..
4. Keep your gadgets far away from you when you sleep..at least make it silent ya or only vibrate..don't allow your gadgets disturb your sleep..
So .. guys use the gadgets wisely .. if it's time to sleep say "see you later" to your gadgets ya .. ;-)
Those are some tips that Little Butterfly can share..sounds I miss sleep well at night..ya..ya..really need it this moment..
Semangat..\(^_^)/..Semangat for Sleep Well ya..
Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013
I know this song from My Personal Guard..
Nice song..but then I confused with the translation..
this is in Germany
this is in Germany
Und Wenn Ein Lied
und wenn ein
lied meine lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du liebe empfängst.
durch die nacht und das dichteste geäst
damit du keine ängste mehr kennst
dann nur damit du liebe empfängst.
durch die nacht und das dichteste geäst
damit du keine ängste mehr kennst
sag ein kleines
stückchen wahrheit
sieh wie die wüste lebt
schaff ein kleines bisschen klarheit
und schau wie sich der schleier hebt
eine wüste aus beton und asphalt
doch sie lebt und öffnet einen spalt
der dir neues zeigt
zeigt das altes weicht
auch wenn dein schmerz bis an
den himmel reicht
sieh wie die wüste lebt
schaff ein kleines bisschen klarheit
und schau wie sich der schleier hebt
eine wüste aus beton und asphalt
doch sie lebt und öffnet einen spalt
der dir neues zeigt
zeigt das altes weicht
auch wenn dein schmerz bis an
den himmel reicht
und wenn ein
lied, meine lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du liebe empfängst
durch die nacht und das dichteste geäst
damit du keine ängste mehr kennst
dann nur damit du liebe empfängst
durch die nacht und das dichteste geäst
damit du keine ängste mehr kennst
dieses lied ist
nur für dich
schön, wenn es dir gefällt
denn es kam so über mich
wie die nacht über die welt
schlanke faust der dunkelheit
bin ich zum ersten schlag bereit
schön, wenn es dir gefällt
denn es kam so über mich
wie die nacht über die welt
schlanke faust der dunkelheit
bin ich zum ersten schlag bereit
ich bin der
erste der dich befreit
und einer der letzten der um dich weint
und einer der letzten der um dich weint
in unserer
sanduhr fällt das letzte korn
ich hab gewonnen und hab ebenso verlorn
jedoch missen möcht ich nichts
alles bleibt unser gedanklicher besitz
und eine bleibende erinnerung
zwischen tag und nacht legt sich die dämmerung
ich hab gewonnen und hab ebenso verlorn
jedoch missen möcht ich nichts
alles bleibt unser gedanklicher besitz
und eine bleibende erinnerung
zwischen tag und nacht legt sich die dämmerung
Then this is in first English translation
And when a song
And when a song
leaves my lips
It's only to convey love to you
Through the night and the thickest branchwood
So that you know no fears
It's only to convey love to you
Through the night and the thickest branchwood
So that you know no fears
Tell a little
piece of truth
Look how the desert lives
Create a little bit of serenity
And look how the veil lifts
A desert made of cement and asphalt
But it lives and opens a gap
Which shows you new things
Shows that the old things will vanish
Even if your pain reaches
Up to the sky
Look how the desert lives
Create a little bit of serenity
And look how the veil lifts
A desert made of cement and asphalt
But it lives and opens a gap
Which shows you new things
Shows that the old things will vanish
Even if your pain reaches
Up to the sky
And when a song
leaves my lips
It's only to convey you love
Through the night and the thickest branchwood
So that you know no fears
It's only to convey you love
Through the night and the thickest branchwood
So that you know no fears
This song is
only for you
Good that you like it
Because it stuck me
Like the night coming over the world
Slim fist of darkness
I'm ready for the first punch
Good that you like it
Because it stuck me
Like the night coming over the world
Slim fist of darkness
I'm ready for the first punch
I am the first
who frees you
And one the last crying for you
And one the last crying for you
The last grain
is falling in our hourglass
I have won and likewise lost
But I don't want to do without anything of it
Everything remains our mental property
And a lasting memory
Between day and night the twilight edges in
I have won and likewise lost
But I don't want to do without anything of it
Everything remains our mental property
And a lasting memory
Between day and night the twilight edges in
This is the second English translation
And If A Song
And if my lips
sing a sad song tonight
It’s only so that you find the light
Through this night, as the darkness disappears
No longer will you know any fears
It’s only so that you find the light
Through this night, as the darkness disappears
No longer will you know any fears
Feel the
stillness all around you
See how the desert lives
Hear the sound beneath the silence
Of the peaceful calm that finally comes
In this barren land of concrete and stone
Comes a peace that grief cannot deny
As the hours go by
You’ll no longer cry
Even as your pain spans to the sky
See how the desert lives
Hear the sound beneath the silence
Of the peaceful calm that finally comes
In this barren land of concrete and stone
Comes a peace that grief cannot deny
As the hours go by
You’ll no longer cry
Even as your pain spans to the sky
And if my lips
sing a sad song tonight
It’s only so that you find the light
Through this night, as the darkness disappears
No longer will you know any fears
It’s only so that you find the light
Through this night, as the darkness disappears
No longer will you know any fears
It’s a song I
sing for you alone
Heard / sung only if you’re calmed / soothed
For these words choke off my voice
Like the night engulfs the world
Brutal, lonely parting sorrow
I am prepared for your first blow
I am the first of your beloved you leave behind / that you’ve freed
And one of the last who will mourn your life / your memory
Heard / sung only if you’re calmed / soothed
For these words choke off my voice
Like the night engulfs the world
Brutal, lonely parting sorrow
I am prepared for your first blow
I am the first of your beloved you leave behind / that you’ve freed
And one of the last who will mourn your life / your memory
In our
hourglass the last grain falls
With you I’ve won although I lose it all
And there’s nothing that I’m left to miss
All we possess remains with us in memories
The last reminder of you frozen in time
As twilight separates your world from mine
With you I’ve won although I lose it all
And there’s nothing that I’m left to miss
All we possess remains with us in memories
The last reminder of you frozen in time
As twilight separates your world from mine
Too different right..?
Can somebody help me which is the good translation..?
but anyway..i like this song..i made it as my ringtone..hehe
Habibie dan Ainun
Mumpung lagi in neh film..mo bahas ni film dikit deh..kemarin habis nonton ma emak2 ni film..jadi pengen mengulas..cieee..bahasanya mengulas..hehe
Film ini diangkat dari kisah nyata Bapak BJ. Habibie dan istrinya Ibu Ainun..yang notabenenya adalah nama besar di Indonesia..siapa seh yang tidak mengenal Bapak Habibie..
Memang Litte Butterfly belum baca buku yang mendasari diangkatnya kisah ini ke layar lebar..kalo udah baca pasti nangis sesengukan deh..nonton filmnya aja pe nangis2 terus..entah aq yang terlalu sensitif ato lagi bawaan mellow kali ya..
Kalo dilihat dari cerita..jelas..cerita yang sangat menyentuh..banyak pelajaran- pelajaran hidup yang bisa diambil dari kisah Habibie dan Ainun..bagaimana Habibie berjuang mempertahankan ideologinya..bagaimana Habibie berjuang pantang menyerah untuk membuktikan janjinya pada istrinya..bagaimana Ibu Ainun begitu memperhatikan suaminya dan terus mendukung suaminya..bagaimana Ibu Ainun mengorbankan kepentingan pribadinya demi terus mendampingi suaminya..bagaimana dua orang insan manusia bisa saling mencintai satu sama lain sampai maut memisahkan..bagaimana dua insan saling menyadari bahwa satu sama lain tercipta untuk saling melengkapi walau cobaan datang bertubi- tubi..dari masalah finansial yang semula tidak punya menjadi berlebih dan godaan- godaan lain..tetapi dikesampingkan karena cinta yang kuat..dan satu hal yang benar2 wajib dijadikan renungan adalah bagaimana keinginan Habibie untuk kembali ke Indonesia dan berbuat sesuatu untuk Indonesia..
Hanya LUAR BIASA yang dapat terucap untuk kisah Bapak Habibie dan Bu Ainun..harusnya ini bisa jadi cerita yang dapat diceritakan ke anak- anak kita daripada cerita dongeng- dongeng yang sudah ada..karena cinta dan usaha yang dilakukan Pak Habibie dan Bu Ainun adalah nyata..
Dan pertanyaannya yang seharusnya muncul di benak kita sebagai manusia adalah mampukah kita menjadi Pak Habibie untuk Ibu Ainun kita..atau mampukah kita menjadi Ibu Ainun untuk Pak Habibie kita..???
dimana masing2 mau menyadari dengan tulus untuk berkorban kepentingannya sendiri demi kepentingan bersama untuk melengkapi satu sama lain dan menyadari bahwa masing2 tercipta satu sama lain sampai maut memisahkan tanpa ada pihak lain yang berhak masuk dalam mahligai rumah tangga tersebut..
(pengen nangis kan klo inget cerita Pak Habibie ma Bu Ainun..sumpah deh..menyentuh banget..)
Kalo dilihat dari penokohannya seh..kurang tepat menurut Little Butterfly..bukan karena kurang ganteng ya yg jadi Pak Habibie..atau kurang fasih Bahasa Jermannya..tetapi kurang sesuai..Reza Rahardian sebagai pemeran Bapak Habibie terlalu tinggi perawakannya..tetapi so far untuk chemistry dengan Bunga Citra Lestari dapet banget deh..
Setting tempatnya juga oke banget..apalagi yang pas jadul2 tuh..lucu..bikin pengen ke Jerman juga jadinya..jadi neh..during the movie I only can wish someday I can go to Germany and back to Indonesia like Mr. Habibie..because I love Indonesia..
Nah..jadi ketika kita nonton film..ambillah beberapa pelajaran2 yang luar biasa dalam sebuah film..
Satu hal yang perlu kita renungkan adalah setelah kita sukses apalagi sukses di luar negeri masih adakah keinginan untuk kembali ke tanah air dan berbuat sesuatu untuk Indonesia..\(^_^)/
Ya..kalau yang ndak bisa keluar negeri cobalah renungkan..apa seh yang udah kita lakukan untuk Indonesia..mmm..jangan Indonesia dulu deh..coba deh renungkan apa yang udah kita lakuin buat orang tua kita..apa yang udah kita lakuin buat orang2 yang sayang ma kita..termasuk pasangan kita..apakah kita sudah bisa menjadi seperti Pak Habibie dan Bu Ainun...that's the question..
In English version..
Because the movie is booming now .. so i wanna discuss the movie a little bit .. i've watched this movie with my mom..
This film is the adaptation of the true story of Mr. BJ. Habibie and his wife Mrs. Ainun.. who don't know Mr. Habibie..He was a president after Mr.Soeharto..And he is famous with his intelligence..
Unfortunately..i didn't read yet his book that is dedicated for his wife..i'm sure i will cry during i read that book because only watched the movie..i cried during the movie..i don't know i'm too sensitive or i'm in mellow mood at that time..
Looking from the story .. obviously .. a very touching story .. a lot of life lessons can be learned from the story .. how Habibie struggles to defend their ideology .. how Habibie struggles to prove his promises to his wife .. how Ainun gives big attention to him and continue to support him .. how Ainun sacrifices their personal interests for accompanying him .. how two human beings can love each other until death tear them apart .. how two people realize that they are created for each other .. how they survive from financial problems with tough love .. and the most important thing to think is how Habibie's desire to return to Indonesia and do something for Indonesia ..
I only can say EXTRAORDINARY .. this should be a story that can be told to our children than the story of fairy tales that already exist .. because Mr. Habibie and Mrs. Ainun's love and effort were real ..
And the question that should come to our mind is Can we be Habibie for our Ainun .. or Can we be Ainun for our Habibie ..??
(I want to cry if remember the story of Habibie and Ainun .. really touching ..)
If look from character.. Habibie's actor isn't really fit .. it's not because he isn't handsome ..or can't speak Germany language fluently ya..He is handsome and he is very good in German language .. but .. Reza Rahardian is too tall for Habibie's character .. but so far for having chemistry with Bunga Citra Lestari as Ainun..they are perfect ..
For setting of place is also okay .. especially when the movie shows the old time when Habibie and Ainun were still young..cool.. funny .. And the setting of place in Germany really good..showing many interesting place in there .. so during the movie I can only wish someday I can go to Germany and back to Indonesia like Mr. Habibie with strong desire to do something for Indonesia.. Because I Love Indonesia ..
Well .. when we go to the movies .. take some extraordinary lesson in a movie .. don't only see the handsome actor or pretty actress ya.. :-P
One thing we need to consider is that we become success in abroad, is there any desire to back to Indonesia and do something for Indonesia .. \ (^ _ ^) /
If we can't go to abroad..and only can be success in here..we must ask to ourself what we can do for Indonesia..oke..for the first time don't ask about what we can do for Indonesia..but ask ourself..what we can do for our parents..what we can do for people who really love us..include our partner..so when you are success now..be wise please..don't hurt anybody else..be useful human being..do something to make others happy..so we can feel our real happiness..
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