Senin, 07 Juli 2014

For My One and Only

You are the reason why I'm still here..
Why I keep my life alive..
Why I keep waiting..I keep working..

Yes you..
How I spell your name..M-I-C-H-I..My Michi Bala Bala..
The name that I always say softly in everytime I pray..
Because it is the way I hug you..
Yes with my praying..

Came and entered my life without I never expected..
Then love hit us so deeply
You ever imagine it before..?Nope..
Same with me..
I never thought that now you mean a lot for me

Yes you..
Do you count how many days we can't hug each other?
It hurts..right?
It hurts me so much..and I know it hurts you too..

Yes you
Because of you..
Yes you
I never feel at home anymore..
Because my home is in your hug

You know what?
I'm blessed to have you in my life..
I never be loved by anyone you love me
Yes you..and only you
The way how you love me..the way how you keep me calm down when I'm mad..the way how you hug me..the way how you kiss me..the way how you touch me..
It is so perfect..

And the question now is..
How I can be so stupid to realize all..
That you are perfect for me..

Ini adalah surat terbuka untuk My Darling..secara sekarang lagi "in" banget kan pada nulis surat terbuka..
Little Butterfly sebagai anak gauuulll..ndak mau kalah donk..ndak mau kalah..
Habis ini pasti dikatain lebay deh..biarin..blog2 ane jg..mau lebay..mau kagak..terserah ane donk..
ya kan..ya kan..
*kedip2in mata..

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