Pas baca neh berita jadi mikir..jangan2 neh pemerintah bikin kurikulum baru 2013 neh buat ngerayain tahun baruan gitu..hehe..*peace jenderallllll..yg kerja ma pemerintah jangan tersinggung ya..
Heran juga kenapa ya kurikulum pendidikan tuh berubah- ubah terus macam bunglon aja tiap menclok di suatu tempat berubah warna dia..ya kalo alasan pemerintah perubahan kurikulum itu untuk menyesuaikan perkembangan jaman..okelah nice reason..tapiiiiiiiiiiiii..apa ngaruh tuh perubahan kurikulum ma pendidikan yang berkualitas..?
Mengurangi jumlah mata pelajaran dengan cara mengintegrasikan mata pelajaran ke mata pelajaran lain tetapi menambah jam belajar siswa di sekolah..terdengar keren ya..??hehe
Kurikulum menjadi bermakna jika kurikulum tersebut mampu menghubungkan antara hal- hal prinsipil dengan hal- hal riil yang ada kemudian mengkristalisasikannya ke dalam mata pelajaran. Dengan mengintegrasikan mata pelajaran ke mata pelajaran lain apakah ini mampu menjembatani hal- hal tersebut..bukannya nanti gurunya makin bingung..??
Monggo dijawab sendiri..hehe.karena saya tidak akan membahas mengenai perubahan di kurikulum 2013..udah banyak yang bahas..kasian yg baca ntar..tambah bingung..
Pemerintah memang sudah berupaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia..sayangnya pemerintah masih belum bisa merubah mindset para guru tentang pendidikan berkualitas..contohnya neh..contohnya aja ya..artinya ndak semua loh..dengan sertifikasi guru..maksud pemerintah memberikan sertifikasi guru adalah untuk menciptakan guru2 yang berkualitas yang akan menjadi tombak untuk mewujudkan pendidikan berkualitas..tetapi pada implementasinya neh..misalnya guru2 sibuk ngurus administrasi utk bisa dapat sertifikasi, muridnya cuma dikasih tugas ngerjain LKS, hasil sertifikasi guru digunain buat kredit mobil..*yang guru jangan tersinggung ya..neh kenyataan di lapangan ya..memang tidak semua guru tapi..ada guru2 yang seperti itu..
Gimana mo berkualitas neh..???
Kata kakak senior neh.."kalo mo kaya jangan jadi guru, jadi pedagang es kelapa muda aja, omzetnya kelihatan"..bener juga ya..kalo mo kaya ya jangan jadi itu tidak hanya mengajar tapi juga harus mendidik..kalo gurunya aja ndak bisa dijadiin teladan gimana mo pendidikan maju..monggo para guru..tanyakan pada hati nurani anda..anda mau mendidik atau mengejar sertifikasi atau mengejar jadi PNS..???
Kata My Personal Guard.."if you wanna change system, you must change all of the system."..ya memang bener..bukan hal yang mudah untuk merubah sistem pendidikan di Indonesia..butuh usaha super duper keras..tapi setidaknya kita mulai merubah mindset kita..apa sejatinya tugas kita sebagai manusia..berguna untuk orang lain..dengan demikian jadilah guru yang memang berguna..yang mengajar sekaligus mendidik..
Hidup Guru Baruuuuu..Baru Mindsetnya yaaaaa.. ;-)
This is the translation in English
Wanna talk about education.. because in a television and newspaper there is a big discussion about changing curriculum in 2013 .. and because it's almost new year eve..hehe
When I read the news, i was thinking .. maybe government made new curriculum for celebrating the new year.. hehe .. *sorry for people who work for government ya ..
Also wonder why curriculum always change like chameleon that change their body color every time the move from one place to another's okelah..if the reason of the government changes the curriculum is to fit with the development of country..but what's the influence of changing curriculum that they are done many time in quality education?
Reducing the number of subjects by integrating subjects to other subjects but add hours of learning of students in the school .. sounds cool huh ..? Hehe
The curriculum becomes meaningful if the curriculum is able to link the principal things with real things that exist then put into subjects. By integrating subjects to other subjects if it is able to connect those things..i don't know but for sure it will make teachers more confused..
Please answer by yourself .. I'm not going to discuss the curriculum changes in 2013 .. there are already many discussion about it..i don't wanna make who read this more confused ..
The government is always try to improve the quality of education in Indonesia .. unfortunately the government is not able to change the mindset of teachers on quality education..for example .. only for example..with certified teachers .. the government's intention to provide certification for teacher is to create a quality teacher will be a front people to make quality education.. but .. for example teacher become busy with them self for administrative things in purpose to get the certificate then their students are only given worksheets, teacher who get certification and get the money from this certification use the money for car loans..not all but there are some teacher do it..
My Senior brother said .. "if you wanna be rich do not be a teacher, be coconut ice seller, they get more money per month than teacher" .. i agree with him .. teachers not only teach but also have to educate..please your heart inside teacher.. you wanna educate or wanna get certification or wanna be government employer ..??
My Personal Guard said .. "if you want to change the system, you must change all of the system." .. Yes i agree with him .. not easy to change the education system in Indonesia .. need super hard effort .. but at least we begin to change our mindset .. what is actually our duty as human beings .. useful for others .. so be really useful .. teachers who teach and educate ..
Semangat New Teachers.. New Mindsetnya yaaaaa .. ;-)