Kamis, 13 September 2012

Jalan2 a.k.a Holiday

Selamat pagi..
Good morning..

Karena seseorang yg harus pake translator pas baca blogku..jadi mulai sekarang Little Butterfly mo nulis pake billingual..jadi habis bahasa Indonesia terus bahasa Inggrisnya deh..moga aja ndak malu2in ya bahasa Inggrisnya..hehe

Jalan2 kali ini masih bertemakan menyenangkan anak2..Tujuan kali ini ke Jawa Timur tepatnya di Batu, Malang..
(This trip still for children pleasure..the destination this time is Batu, Malang, East Java)
Yup..ternyata di Batu, ada tempat wisata yg oke banget buat nyenengin anak2..termasuk Little Butterfly..namanya aja Little berarti kan masih kecil..hehe..(yg ini ndak usah ditranslate-in kali ya..hehe)

First destination..namanya BNS (Batu Night Spectaculer)..tempat ini kayak pasar malam modern seh..jadi bagusnya malam2..yah namanya aja Batu Night Spectaculer ya pasti bagusnya pas malem donk..hehe..tapi dingiiiinnnn..karena Batu kan terletak di pegunungan jadi udaranya dingin kalo malem..jadi bawa jaket ya klo mo ke BNS ya paling ndak pake baju lengan panjang deh..sarung juga ndak apa kok..hehe
(this place like night theme park..more beautiful if visit at night..but will be cold..because Batu is located on hill so the air is cold at night..so if you go there bring jacket, coat, at least long shirt..or sarung is oke..hehe)
Tiket masuknya murah cuma 15.000 doank..tapi kalo mo masuk ato mencoba permainan harus bayar lagi..nah ini ndak enaknya..mestinya ada tiket terusan..jadi kan ndak susah2 buka2 dompet lagi klo mo main..
(the ticket is cheap..only 15.000..but if wanna play or enter the playing area must pay again for the ticket..it isn't efficient..because must take money from wallet again..there is must be direct ticket..so don't need to pay again if wanna play all games..)
Tempatnya lumayan keren..di sana bisa masuk ke taman lampion..bagus klo malem hari..
This is one of "lampion" in Lampion Garden in BNS..^^
Selain di Taman Lampion, di BNS juga ada GoKart loh..
(beside Lampion Garden, at BNS there is GoKart race too..)

Next destination is Eco Green Park..ini tempat deket banget ma Batu Secret Zoo..tinggal jalan kaki aja dari Batu Secret Zoo udah deh nyampe ke Eco Green Park..paling 3 menit..klo ndak mo capek..ya nunggu kereta kelinci..tapi mesti muter2 dl ke Jatim Park 1 dan bakalan lama nyampe Eco Green Parknya..sekitar 25 menit lah..^^
(this place near with Batu Secret Zoo..by walking about 3 minutes..and will arrive in Eco Green Park..but if lazy to walk..can go there by train..but will go around first to Jatim Park 1 first then Eco Green Park..and need about 25minutes)
Tiket masuknya cuma 45.000..tapi ada beberapa paket tiket masuk yang lebih murah jika digabung dengan tiket masuk ke Batu Secret Zoo atau Museum Satwa atau Jatim Park 1..tapi Little Butterfly lupa paketnya apa aja..hehe..cuma inget yg dibeli Little Butterfly dulu..jadi tiket Eco Green Park ma Batu Secret Zoo cuma 100.000 doank..padahal Batu Secret Zoo tiketnya 65.000..lumayan seh hemat 10.000..hehe
(the ticket only 45.000..but there are ticket packet cheaper if buy directly with another ticket like with ticket for Batu Secret Zoo..Animal Museum or Jatim Park 1..but i forget how much the ticket..hehe..only remember the ticket that i bought..100.000 for Eco Green Park and Batu Secret Zoo..the ticket for Batu Secret Zoo is 65.000..so cheaper 10.000..)

Di Eco Green Park ada macem2..ada binatang..ada pohon..ada orang..hehe..maksudnya ada jungle adventure..music park..farm park..rumah bambu yg isinya macem2 insekta..salah satunya adalah kupu2..^^
(at Eco Green Park..there are a lot of things..like animal..tree..people..hehe..i mean there are jungle adventure..music park..farm park..insecta museum..)
 Foto dl ma kupu2 ya..
(take a picture with butterfly..^^)
at music park..^^
Bisa foto m mobil roll royce juga, habis muter2 d jungle adventure..berasa jadi model neh..hehe
(can make a photo with roll royce car..in jungle adventure..feel like a model..hehe)
Bisa nemu gajah kayak gini juga..hehe
(can find unique elephant..^^)

Sebenernya mo upload foto waktu di Batu Secret Zoo..tapi ndak nemu..foto2nya pada dimana..lupa naruh di folder apaan..pokoknya keren abis deh di Batu Secret Zoo..lagian deket banget kok m Eco Green Park..jadi rugi kalo udah di Eco Green Park tapi ndak ke Batu Secret Zoo..hehe
(actually wanna upload picture at Batu Secret Zoo..but forget where i put the picture..i mean which folder..but Batu Secret Zoo is cool and it is near with Eco Green Park..so better go to Batu Secret Zoo too..^^)

Berhubung udah ngantuk berat..jadi jalan2nya lanjut lain kali ya..^^
(because i'm so sleepy..so will continue the holiday next time..^^)

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